DIO & Transactions
Tokenomics, Utility and more
- Decimated Death Valley Collection
- How can I do an OTC deal of DIO?
- Do I need to do KYC to make purchases?
- What are the differences between credits and DIO?
- Is decimated a blockchain game?
- Are the game wallets using blockchain?
- Game wallets vs external wallets
- Enter code from SMS/email doesn't work when trying to buy DIO
- DIO has not arrived after purchase
- Are any more DIO tokens being distributed to early backers?
- Fake DIO tokens
- Has the DIO smart contract been audited?
- What network is Decimated and DIO using?
- What does DIO mean?
- Are there transaction fees on the website?
- How does the team manage circulating supply?
- Where can I buy DIO?
- What was the vesting period for private sale?